A Message from HCA President Al Cardillo on Home Care Vaccine

Situation Report | October 11, 2021 

Over the past 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, home care and hospice have shown a resolve, a resiliency and a level of service that is unparalleled. Home care and hospice have been pivotal in the lives of patients and in the operation of the entire health system. Staff have sacrificed, put their patients ahead of themselves, proceeded even in harm’s way, and been leaders in making the health care system work. This is home care at its core, and at its roots.  

This past week, home care agencies and workers continued the all-out response to the Governor’s call to achieve universal vaccination of personnel in our sector, reaching high vaccination levels, including 100% in some agencies. As home care works toward 100% vaccination levels for all of our personnel, HCA wishes to recognize and thank each agency, each and every worker who is already vaccinated, and each who started the process this week, timely to the state’s mandate.  

To those who have yet to vaccinate, HCA urges your consideration to join the ranks of the vaccinated, while respecting you fully. HCA has been urging the Governor to permit agencies and unvaccinated individuals a process for continuing to work together to maximize vaccination levels. HCA recognizes that there are still many unvaccinated individuals with deeply held concerns about the vaccination, and that agencies and workers need to address these concerns and adopt a viable plan for the patients and all concerned. Home care workers have been extraordinary heroes throughout the pandemic, as they are every day in the lives of their patients, and we are concerned over some of the attitudes that the new state regulation has cast on workers. Agencies, workers and patients deserve better. 

The overall home care-hospice vaccination status, and HCA’s advocacy on your behalf, are described in the next article of this Situation Report. Know that HCA salutes and honors you, our agencies and workers, for the efforts you have undertaken to date, for the highest standards with which you practice and for all that you do, through extraordinary challenges, to give your all to your patients. You are an unparalleled force in the health care system and in the lives and care of your patients. Above all, you “have your patients’ backs” as your singular priority. Please know that, as we continue to advocate support and solutions for you, your agencies and patients, and as we go forward to pursue the goals and the impacts in this vaccination mission, HCA fully and proudly has your back in return.