Celebrate Sepsis Awareness Month in September

Situation Report | September 8, 2020

HCA urges all members to participate in Sepsis Awareness Month, a national drive in all 50 states spearheaded by Sepsis Alliance. Download the Sepsis Alliance Toolkit to learn more.

Sepsis resources can also be found on the Sepsis Alliance website (www.sepsis.org), ENDSepsis –The Rory Staunton Legacy at (https://www.endsepsis.org/) and HCA’s Stop Sepsis at Home NY initiative  (https://stopsepsisathomeny.org/).

HCA has already initiated a host of activities leading off Sepsis Awareness Month:

  • HCA Director of Program Research, Development and Policy Lauren Ford has provided programming opportunities and announcements for special sessions throughout September, including the National Sepsis Summit on September 16 and 17.
  • HCA President Al Cardillo recently met with the New York State Office for the Aging Director Greg Olsen on a live program on sepsis and Sepsis Awareness Month. (The program can be viewed at here.)
  • HCA also worked with Sepsis Alliance and the state Legislature to advance a resolution memorializing September 2020 as Sepsis Awareness Month. (A copy of the Resolution is being provided to HCA and we will circulate it when available.)
  • HCA will be featured late this month for a discussion of sepsis on Health Beat, a program on News Channel 13 WNYT with anchor Benita Zahn.
  • HCA also filed a major grant application for expansion of our sepsis work that would commence in 2021.

Community care providers and MLTCs who have not yet adopted the HCA sepsis screening and intervention tool as part of their clinical practice should write sepsistool@hcanys.org to learn more and initiate the process.

Sepsis is among the top conditions that lead to home care referral. It is the number-one cause of Medicare hospital readmissions and avoidable Medicaid hospitalizations. It also causes a death every two minutes in the U.S.