Groundwork Laid for Online Aide Training Programs 

Situation Report | November 16, 2020

HCA and partners have had further exchanges with state officials in its response to our plan for allowing a hybrid model (online and in-person) for aide training programs.

As earlier reported, our initial plan — developed by HCA, the New York State Association of Health Care Providers (HCP), LeadingAge New York and member agencies — prompted a Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) from the state Department of Health (DOH) which raised several questions and areas that required further vetting.

HCA and partner associations have since been reviewing the DAL with our members, including a joint member workgroup. We also held a statewide briefing on the DAL in October where we outlined the state’s proposal and invited questions and comments from providers.

This review led the associations to further communicate with DOH on a number of issues (see our letter here), including questions or concerns about: which tests must be given in-person; which address should be listed on the DAL’s Agency Demographics form (Attachment 1); the approval process for nurse instructors who will be teaching online; the necessity for agencies to submit an online training schedule (DAL Attachment 4); and the roles of DOH and training programs in entering class information into the Home Care Registry.

DOH has since responded to the associations. Now that DOH has provided clarification on these issues, the associations and workgroup members agree that existing approved aide training programs who want to conduct a hybrid model should submit such applications to DOH. HCA urges applicants to notify HCA on the submission date and any follow up required by DOH so we can track members’ experiences with the application process.

HCA thanks member agencies People Care, Americare, Selfhelp, Partners in Care, and Elaring Caring, and the other associations for devoting much time and resources to the development of an online training program process. We also appreciate DOH’s willingness to listen to our concerns and for development of an approval process for online training.