Policy Guidance for PDN Services Issued

Situation Report | July 20, 2021

Effective September 1, 2021, the state is rescinding or modifying the private duty nursing (PDN) policy guidance issued on March 28, 2020 as follows below.

PDN Services Over 16 hours (Policy Manual 16.2 E)

Effective September 1, 2021, nursing services provided by an individual nurse may not exceed sixteen hours in a 24-hour period as indicated in the PDN Policy Manual, Section 16.2 E.

Documentation Requirements for PDN Prior Approval Renewals (Policy Manual 6.1)

Prior approval PDN renewals with a submit date of September 1, 2021 and after must be submitted with the documentation required every 12 months as outlined in the PDN Policy Manual, Section 6.1. Telehealth physical assessments will continue to be accepted.

Addition of Non-School Day Hours (PDN Policy Manual Section 9.4)

Effective September 1, 2021, the addition of non-school day hours to an existing prior approval number must have a current Department approval for non-school day hours and be submitted via a change request as outlined in the PDN Policy Manual, Section 9.4.

See here for the existing PDN Policy Manual.

If you have questions regarding this guidance, contact 1-800-342-3005 or OHIPMEDPA@health.ny.gov.