Urge Congress to Prevent Devastating Medicare Cuts Now!

Situation Report | April 4, 2022


Effective April 1, 2022, the federal government will impose a 1% rate cut through Medicare sequestration. Beginning July 1, 2022, the full 2% sequestration adjustment will begin.

If Congress does not act to mitigate these reductions, the cuts will further strain home-based care providers’ ability to serve their communities amidst the ongoing pandemic and unprecedented workforce shortages. These cuts to Medicare will impede patient and family access to high-quality home-based care and potentially result in the closure of some agencies that have already been hammered financially by the pandemic.

Please contact your Congressional delegation today and urge them to stop these cuts and protect home care and hospice patients and their caregivers.

This advocacy initiative will take less than one minute. Please act now!

For questions or concerns related to this advocacy initiative or Medicare sequestration, please contact HCA’s Director for Public Policy and Advocacy, Alyssa Lovelace.