Tap Two New, Grant-Funded Services for Your Home Care, Hospice, MLTC Patients

From HCA President Al Cardillo

Please consider trying these two new, cutting-edge, grant-funded services available to you and your patients.

Through philanthropic grants that HCA has obtained for health literacy and for in-home support for veterans, you can now connect your patients you think would benefit with this unique opportunity.

Moreover, with the expected new multi-billion 1115 Medicaid waiver coming to New York that will be focused on health access and equity, participation in these new grant-supported programs will further benefit your organization’s work and alignment with waiver’s goals.

Don’t wait for this opportunity to close; read on and take action for your patients, agency, and community.

Health Literacy Support

The vast majority of individuals in home care and hospice have health literacy needs either specific to their condition or circumstance, or overall with more capable participation in their health care services.

Under a grant to HCA from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation to help address health disparities through home care, HCA is piloting the benefit of a virtual access service supporting health literacy. The service is being made available statewide through Selfhelp Community Services through this same HCA Cabrini grant, through a platform at Selfhelp called “Virtual Senior Center” (VSC) services. Connect with this service for your patients here. The Selfhelp VSC team will walk you through the easy patient login and avenues for participation support.

Support for Veterans that You Serve

Please also consider a special VSC pilot for veterans served through your agency.  This special veterans pilot is to support veterans in home care with peer socialization, personal health, enrichment, and related virtual engagement, also through the VSC platform. This pilot was launched through a special philanthropic grant to HCA by the NY Health Foundation, and is also available statewide!  Click here to connect with this service for your patients. Please consider the impact and benefit of this program for veterans in your care.

Our thanks to both grant foundations and to Selfhelp for supporting these critical causes.

The Home Care Association of New York State Education & Research (HCA E&R) has been awarded funding from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation to identify and address health disparities in populations receiving health care in homes and community-based services (HCBS) statewide. Learn more about this important work here.

HCA E&R and Selfhelp Community Services also are working together to build up capacity and expand access to Selfhelp’s Virtual Senior Center (VSC), so that all patients or clients served by home and community-based care providers can access this powerful platform in every region of New York State.