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Time is Running Out: Register Now for HCA’s May 28 Conference on DSRIP, VBP and other New Models

Just nine days left to register online or through our brochure!

Like most providers, your team is surely rolling up its collective sleeves for strategic planning discussions on DSRIP and other new models, like Value Based Payments, which are very near on the horizon.

These programs are not merely tinkering with the edges of our health care system; they represent fundamental changes.

Now, and in the months ahead, your proactive and reactive work activities require an entirely new business plan, operational systems restructuring, different contract models, workforce and clinical practice reorientation, and, above all, a whole new outlook on the way you partner with other organizations.

These changes are happening swiftly. No doubt you could use a lot more answers on all of these development areas.

On May 28, just nine days away, HCA is holding a one-of-a-kind conference to help you prepare for change, asking of you the question: Are You Ready to Navigate New Models of Care and Coverage? 

No matter how far along you are in the planning stages, all home care agency leaders should join us for this important program to learn what you need to do to get on board for the fundamental changes in New York’s home care role.

At HCA’s Annual Conference earlier this month, we presented a session with Dr. Marc Berg, who is the contract expert at KPMG working with the state on its development plan for Value Based Payments. This popular session drew an eager audience seeking to hear the important insights he had to share. Dr. Berg will be with us again on May 28. If you haven’t had a chance to hear him, or if you could use a deeper examination of Value Based Payments,you will want a seat at the discussion.

We are holding this one-day conference at the Empire State Plaza in Albany because it allows us to bring state policymakers directly to you, at their home base, because they are the ones running the ship on Value Based Payments, DSRIP, FIDA and other new models of care.

State Medicaid Director Jason Helgerson and Greg Allen, who is one of the state Department of Health’s head program development officials, will report directly to you on the state’s perspective, which, after all, is the dominant perspective on these new models. You need to hear what they have to say. 

You’ll also hear from consultants and other content experts who will provide insights from the field to get you thinking, working on and improving your strategic plan.

Please see the details below and register now before it is too late.

Are You Ready to Navigate New Models of Care and Coverage?
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Empire State Plaza
Meeting Room 2-4
Albany, NY

Who should attend?

Home health provider and health plan CEOs, CFOs, COOs and those who need a better understanding of emerging care models to position successfully in a new service and payment delivery environment.

How to register?